The white campion, a wildflower native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, is believed to be over 30,000 years old. The plants are dioecious: male and female flowers grow on separate plants and both must be present to propagate. Through the years, the scientific study of this plant’s ecology and evolution has led to a greater understanding of the reproductive system. For these reasons, the campion was chosen as our logo — a beautiful symbol of survival and hope.
Conception, pregnancy, birth. This is one of the most natural functions of our bodies. Yet, due to diseases of the reproductive system, for many it becomes a complicated, unattainable process.
The Campion Fund and Leppert Foundation want to change that. Through medical research and education, we are working to eradicate these diseases, restoring health and hope to women and men worldwide.
The Leppert Foundation has three main goals:
To provide Campion Awards to junior investigators.
Annually provide Campion Fund awards to junior investigators presenting the best research talks at the Annual Consortium for Reproductive Biology Meeting.
To host conferences for the scientific community
Frontier Nursing University and The Campion Fund are sponsoring a research conference in September of 2024, to address the Maternal Mortality Crisis in the United States by showcasing successful programs and practices. Attendees are going to hear presentations focusing on reducing maternal mortality rates, particularly among historically marginalized populations.
To provide education regarding fertility and reproductive biology research
In addition to the research and articles published here, information is available through our blog and VDRs. Our most recent meeting for patients and the public was the Fibroid Summit 2022, co-hosted with the Fibroid Foundation, headquartered in Bethesda,, Maryland For more information, please contact us.
Areas of Translational Research
- uterine fibroids
- endometriosis
- adnenomyosis
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
- varicocele
- male infertility
- female infertility
- inherited genetic disease
- prostate and testicular malignancy
Areas of Basic Research
- gene expression and epigenetics
- organogenesis of the reproductive tracts
- steroid hormone regulation
- neuroendocrinology
- gametogenesis
- growth and apoptosis in reproductive tissue
- ligands and receptors
- mechanotransduction
The Phyllis and Mark Leppert Foundation for Fertility Research, a 501(c)(3) public charity, was founded to promote basic biomedical research on diseases that affect the human reproductive system. The Campion Fund is funded through tax-deductible donations to the Foundation.
The Dr. Phyllis C. Leppert Lecture in Reproductive Biology Inaugurated in 2023 by the Triangle Consortium for Reproductive Biology Remarks by Dr. Francesco De Mayo, NIEHS
“Good morning and welcome to the inaugural Dr. Phyllis C. Leppert Lecture in Reproductive Biology at the Triangle Consortium for Reproductive Biology meeting. This lecture serves as a tribute to the pioneering figure in the field reproductive biology, Dr. Phyllis C. Leppert. Phyllis is a renowned Emerita Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke University School of Medicine and the President of the Phyllis and Mark Leppert Foundation for Fertility Research, which functions as the Campion Fund. Her distinguished career spanning several decades, has mad significant contributions to advancing our understanding of women’s health. In naming this lecture, we honor her advocacy for reproductive biology research, and her support for the research community in the Research Triangle area. Through her work, Phyllis has been a role model for researches worldwide and her dedication to the field of reproductive biology will continue to inspire future generations of scientist.”
- Phyllis C. Leppert, MD, PhD, Bellevue, Washington
- Mark F. Leppert, PhD, Woodinville, Washington
- Tami Leppert, Woodinville, Washington
- Sarah Berga, MD, Buffalo, New York
- Sarah England, PhD, St. Louis, Missouri
- Nancy Kellett, RN, MPH, New Haven, Connecticut
- James H. Segars, MD, Baltimore, Maryland
- Humphrey Yao, PhD, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
- Katrina Adams-Waldorf, MD, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- Lisa Jones, Petoskey, Michigan
- William Kellett, New Haven, Connecticut
- Gary Leppert, Columbus,Ohio