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Campion Blog

News: Basic Science of Uterine Fibroid Meeting attended by over sixty-five individuals

On February 28, 2020, the Campion Fund along with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences held a meeting to hear current data on basic science of uterine fiborids and to facilitate discussion and collaboration. Over sixty-five interested scientisrs, industry and represenatives of societies attended this thought-provoking meeting. There is now a wide-spread recognition of the molecular heterogeneity of fibroids and new appreciation of the complexities of the pathways leading to their development and growth. While sceintists have made considerable progress there is a long way to go. The attendees requested that a follow-up meeting be held in two to three years time and we are committed to planning such a future meeting. The planning committee is working on proceedings to be submitted to F&S Science.  The proceedings are in the process of being drafted now, however we have been slowed down by the Covid-19 pandemic.  They will be published in the future.

The Campion Fund provides awards to junior investigators presenting the best research talks at the Annual Consortium for Reproductive Biology Meeting.